
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wednesday (Day 31)

 Welcome back from the four day weekend!  I hope everyone had a wonderful break!
Monday~Student Holiday
Tuesday~Teacher Professional Learning Day
Today~ Junior Achievement Day!
     JROTC High School students from the surrounding area came to Gideons Elem. today to share their knowledge with our students.  Before they arrived, I worked with students on their Reconstruction dioramas and allowed them to present them in front of the class.  We also went over the morning Math warm-up for extra practice with adding and subtracting decimals.  When they arrived, we automatically had a fire drill!  Of all days!  I just couldn't believe it.....but I suppose it is always good for the students to be ready in any situation. 
     When we went back into the classroom, the JROTC students introduced STEM skills.  STEM=Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.  They completed some game-like activities and held discussions with the students.  Check out their website and pictures from today at:

At the end of the day, I had my students write Thank You cards for those who visited our classroom.

     Many of the students took a great deal of time on their cards while others were finished in a jiffy.  Since this happened, I instructed those early finishers to begin on our pre-test/review quiz on Cells, Genes, and Classification that was scheduled for tomorrow.  I also told those students who weren't finished that they needed to complete the science activity for homework.

*Update: Tutorial begins next week!  However, some of the students stayed today to work with me on Math and Science.  We reviewed Science and focused on addition and subtraction of decimals.  When my CT arrived, he began to work with them on multiplying decimals. (To give them a "leg up.")

I FINALLY put up the student work wall that I wanted in the classroom!  I put clothespins on the wall with double faced tape and separated them enough so that all of our student's work could be displayed. I am so happy with how it turned out! :)  Have a look:


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